As we pointed out in a prior blog, crucial elections are to be held on May 6th. The second round of the Presidential elections in France and the general election in Greece. And lo and behold! Suddenly certain candidates have finally seen the light!

Purely by coincidence, the opinion polls are going against these neophytes who have suddenly seen the light. The first, by order of priority and significance is France’s President Sarkozy. Francois Hollande may be rather dull and uninspiring, but he has dared speak out against the iron lady’s great scheme.

The Frau’s idiotic plan whereby all countries in the European Union must not have a deficit and will be penalised if they do! Whereas there is no cap on surpluses, still less any provision for recycling surpluses, (God forbid!), is a critical part of the Great German Scam. Sarkozy was very happy not only to sign up to it but to be vociferously on the bully’s side. As always.

All of a sudden, however, he has realised that all this toadying up to The Frau and her self serving brain waves that are in the process  of ruining Europe, don’t seem to be going down all that well with the electorate. So lo and behold! After Hollande said he would renegotiate the pact and insist on serious provision for growth. Sarkozy suddenly pipes up.

The ECB, he says, must be activated and enlisted in the struggle to achieve growth! A taboo subject. And The Frau nearly went apoplectic. How dare her side kick and best toady mention the ECB! It must not be touched! It must not do anything! Germany does not want to tackle the European crisis, she wants to make the best of it for herself, and solutions such as that are anathema to her!

Second is our own rather unpleasant former Minister of Finances (unpleasant because he barks at us and threatens us and when he is in Brussels he cringes). Now this gentleman was directly responsible for the policy implemented that has ruined the Greek economy and plunged us into continual recession achieving an official unemployment figure of 22% (and growing).

This gentleman has now become Leader of the PASOK party and all of a sudden it has suddenly dawned on him that the Greek economy needs growth! Oh really? Why did he do everything he could when he was in power to strangle growth? Not least the exorbitant property tax under the threat of having your electricity cut. And as if that were not enough, not only did he sign, but also claimed credit for what is known as the new bail out agreement. An agreement that has no provision for growth but is designed to push the economy into ruin.

So what is this? The Toadies rebellion against The Frau? Hardly! It’s just the blind panic of the prospect of losing power! So they have started saying anything to save their skins. And in the case of Venizelos (the current leader of the PASOK party), we all know very well that should, God forbid, he be returned to power he will renege on his belated good intentions, and turn round and tell us,

“Oh well yes… I did say we needed a change in policy… but, well… The Troika Won’t Allow it!”

So we all better be very careful what we vote! At least we know that this little lot of toadies has botched it completely.