Perhaps not quite yet. But they do feel it is a terrible nuisance! First the fear was that those pesky little Greeks might upset the apple cart, for all the shock and awe policies* they are being subjected too. Now the greater fear is France! For heavens’ sake! We thought we had that one nicely wrapped up when our little spinally challenged side kick achieved a rebound in the polls after the violent racial killings.

A flutter of panic over Citizens being allowed to express their preferences in Europe. A German magazine (Focus I believe) warns that the 6th May could auger in the end of the Euro! That date being, as I have pointed out previously, when the second and decisive round of the French Presidential election shall be held and the general election  in Greece.

Jose Manuel Barroso suddenly remembers that he is supposed to be the President of the Commission and not Merkel. In this fit of euphoria at the discovery, he makes a big speech addressed to the Greek electorate, of how the EU is there to help (well we’ve heard of sick jokes but… this is ridiculous!) promising funds (which are already available in the structural funds anyway, so nothing new) and support provided  Greece carries out in full the recessionary inducing plan that has been imposed and accepted by the current government.

As if that were not enough, our appointed Prime Minister who did nothing other than agree to all the IMF/EU imposed terms for the new so called bail out and the botched bond exchange, has suddenly also been galvanized into life. Yes. He thought it might be a good idea to talk to Barroso over these great plans for growth in Greece and appear Prime Ministerial, a man there who will ensure Greek recovery…

Oh, and mind you, I am sure he is quite willing to be Prime Minister again! Especially without having to fight an election and face disapproval! Now that’s the kind of democracy Euroland seems to be promoting. Just appoint some one you know will do your bidding rather than that of the people! And NEVER trust the people to express an opinion on this! Or anything else really for that matter.

But for all this nebulous, belated talk of ‘growth’ do not get too excited over any of this. Not a single provision for growth has been made in the death warrant already officially signed sealed and delivered by ‘our’ government and all vague, insubstantial mention of ‘growth’ is always pegged to this “provided”. Provided you slash wages further down, provided you keep taxing to extinction, provided you keep slashing pensions and let the old die out without any welfare and, ultimately, provided you vote in the very same guys who ruined you because those are the guys we want to run our obsessive plans!

So this is the new German inspired meaning of democracy in Europe. WE The Frau’s Directorate decide what should be done, together with the IMF who are good at this kind of thing (see South America for instance) and then you  the people or the great unwashed will be allowed to hold an election provided you rubber stamp our decisions.

A bit skewered, isn’t it? But that is how it is. We decide you ratify. Or else! Or else what? We’ll ruin you? Well, you already have, so it’s no longer much of a threat any more! Nevertheless, see the video below to see how Greece is being held in a state of shock and paralysed. But there is a way out. Going beyond all the lies we are being fed and realising what it is they are doing to us and why. And for all their efforts, we do seem to be getting a little closer to that.


* Naomi Klein has described this tactic perfectly in her book The Shock Doctrine. The video below gives an excellent idea of what this means and what is currently being done to Greece.