We are so caught up in the drama, nay tragedy, of Europe that we forget what is going on in America. And we shouldn’t. The primaries have started and the spectacle is not very pleasant. One of the libelous slurs thrown at Obama for instance is that he is a European style Socialist! Ugh! How more repulsive than that can you get?

However, this demeaning propaganda from the right could very well back fire. Considering that the President of the Socialist International is none other than George Papandreou, Prime Minister of Greece until recently. A Prime Minister who has destroyed his economy through a blind faith in ultra right wing policies aimed at slashing benefits, pensions, social welfare, minimum wages and more, with a vengeance.

Europe is now hot on the heels of America in policies or lack thereof, leading to the desecration of the Middle Classes. So American electors of the right need not fear ‘European’ style policies from their eventual President. Looked at right now, Europe under the jackboot of The Frau, is being far harsher than America.

But lets go back in history. The French Revolution was a Revolution of the Bourgeoisie. For those who dislike fancy foreign terms, it means The Middle Classes. They rose and triumphed when they felt they were being unfairly squeezed and denied their rights.

Sort of like what is going on in the world now. But who is the aristocracy against whom to revolt today? Good Queen Bess? Hardly. Bless her. No, today’s aristocracy are the Mitt Romneys of the world. The ruthless ‘chain saw’ financiers who made their fortunes by buying up companies to destroy them and throw decent hard working citizens out of work, for a profit, the hedge fund wizards who have blown up the global economy through the bursting of their humungus bubble, and whom the Merkels of this world feel obliged to save at the expense of, not least, her own people.

So, America, do not fear. It is not ‘workers of the world unite’ any more, but back to ‘Liberty, Brotherhood, EQUALITY’! No, not some animals are equaller than others (of George Orwell’s Animal Farm fame) but equality of opportunity for all.

We need to shrink the growing gap between rich and poor. We need to pay heed to and join the Occupy Wall Street movement all over the world where it has spread. It’s time the 99% demanded and got back their basic human rights, rights which both America and Europe used to stand for before this fatal disease of the 1% struck us down so viciously.