Rumour out today, that after the German Elections (to be held in about ten months’ time) The Frau plans to seal her assured triumph by taking up a commanding European position.
Now, if the rumour had been that after the elections The Frau plans to take up a European position, this would have indicated that she does not expect to win her forthcoming elections and, being gracious, is prepared to settle for the inept Herman Van Rompuy’s position. (Who will not be asked, but be ordered to leave forthwith, to accommodate The Frau.)
However, since the rumour states specifically that she intends to take up a European position after she wins the election, she has obviously decided on the full establishment of the fourth German Reich (which as all but set up anyway.)
So she intends to take on the Mantel of Empress of All the Germanies (including Austria and whatever else can be defined as such, probably at a stretch the Netherlands. And I don’t want to hear any objections after the way they have pandered to her every whim so far) and all the minor Vassal States of Europe.
All the stupid Treaties and Charters will be ceremoniously burned, and the Wise One, as The Frau will be henceforth designated, will rule her dominions by fiat.
Now, is there anyone in Europe left who does not want the Mayan prediction to come true?
The Fate of the European Treaties and European Law