The ham fisted idiotic decision to close down and abolish the Greek State TV and radio in one clean stroke, seems to have back fired. That does not mean Samaras will mend his ways in any way, nor relinquish the premiership if he can possibly help it.
But though Samaras has been Teacher’s pet doing everything and anything to please Schauble and The Frau, his very success in this (well he has boasted of his Success Story) may turn out to be his very undoing. Though the policy he insisted on following, that is to do everything the troika dictated was patently wrong (and wrong in free market economic terms, hang the humanitarian aspect) he persisted in doing it quite regardless of the fact that it is leading to the complete collapse of the Greek economy and exit from the Euro.
With the invaluable help of Yannis Stournaras (who has taken on the mantle of Minister of public order now as well, threatening everyone daring to relay the ERT “criminal” broadcasts) he has pushed the people beyond endurance, and over board through his show of strength in shutting down the State Broadcaster.
This show of strength was a petulant move after the privatisation of the Gas company went terribly wrong, after recession has proved far deeper than estimated (something which was obvious to anyone with a modicum of common sense). He simply had to show to his cringing people that he was a Man. So he decided to smash things in the face.
Well… But be that as it may, and where this will lead in the end is something we will find out sooner or later for better or worse. But even in a worse case scenario, he has administered a fatal blow to himself. A blow from which he will not recover. Whether he dies a slow lingering death or a sudden flash one and how exactly this will play out for the country remains to be seen.
But one things is certain, if Merkel’s Poster Boy does not actually turn out to be her ruin, he will most certainly have gone a long way to contributing it.