After Peer Steinbuck’s (SPD) clanger dropped during a state visit by the President of Italy, that Italy had elected two clowns, it was now the turn of a CDU dignitary to show the heights of German diplomatic language.
Klaus-Peter Willsch, a member of Angela Merkel’s CDU party, has even declared that Italy should leave the eurozone, rather than hold fresh elections, if a majority of the population will not support the measures needed to support the eurozone.
Whoops! Another terror campaign, like the one waged and won against Greece, aimed against Italy this time? But this fellow went on, in his most diplomatic of ways, and stated:
“A monetary union will survive only if it benefits all of its members.”
Which is rather a funny thing for a politician of the German ruling party to say. After all, after imposition of The Frau hegemony over Europe, the only members the Euro benefits is Germany and a few other northern ones. For the rest it has brought about a a fall in competitiveness, recession and spiraling unemployment.
So if this fellow is trying to bully Italy, the way Greece was bullied with the threat of an exit from the Euro, he would do well to think again before he causes a stampede to the Euro exit door. Something which will most certainly not benefit Germany, but will probably be so much better for Italy, France and even the little guys running up behind.